Monday, February 11, 2019

The Tenth of February

The Web of Life

For Grandma

Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine,
et lux perpetua luceat ei.
Requiescat in pace.

How swiftly death strikes silent
The certitude of tomorrow
For her, for you, for us all
Who strive with grasping hands to hold
What life gives freely, to store
Treasured gains that never last.

Swiftly death uproots the heart
From soil of expectation, melts
Blinding judgment's bonds.  The seeds
We sow we may never reap; flawed
Words may seem to do more ill
Than good. Yet Love shines through the mask.

Swiftly death shadows our days,
Divorcing heart from hope that claims
Neat-tied perfect denouement.
The unfinished must go beyond
The grave, her untied strands weave
Into the web that you and I still spin.