Friday, January 13, 2017

Walk Humbly with Your God

We have been told again and again that the Infinite God wishes to inhabit our lives and dwell in our hearts. He became Man, being born as a little helpless babe, that He might come to know us in a deeply personal manner. Then He gave us His very flesh to eat under the form of bread that we might take Him into ourselves and be subsumed into Him. As if this were not enough, He seeks constantly to speak through us—to make of us His instruments that we may bring His love to others.

Sometimes we have the benefit of catching a glimpse of how He works. We may see how reaching out to those struggling breathes hope back into their eyes or we may find that He gives us the words to speak directly to another's heart.

However it happens, I always find myself awed by this happening. So well aware of my flaws and sinfulness, I can hardly believe that my Lord deigns to work through me.

There is a deep spiritual joy in that experience: a well of life that springs up in a shower of grace, cascading over the soul as it confirms the truth that we are children of God, that we are made great by communion with Him.  For He has called us His friends rather than the slaves we deserve to be for our sinfulness.

When I see my Lord speaking to others through my words, written or spoken, I feel incredibly humbled.  Not only do I feel as if I am the humble servant of the Holy Spirit, but I also feel fully alive, as if I am becoming who I am meant to be, as if I am most deeply who I am.

The glory of God is man fully alive.” ~Saint Irenaeus

The experience of being fully alive makes me want to give myself wholly in that way, to sacrifice my pride and selfish will for the glory of God and the good of others. For there I taste freedom, which my heart desires above all else.

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