Wednesday, February 21, 2018

II. Jesus Takes Up His Cross

(If you missed my introduction to these meditations on the Stations of the Cross you can find it here.)

The Second Station
Jesus Takes Up His Cross

If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. (Matthew 16:24)

Imagine Christ, having been scourged and crowned with thorns, wearied unto death and then they hold out the cross to Him.  Would you rush forward to embrace the cross in such a state?  Would you in any state?

Yet our Lord, with the fire of love burning so intensely within Him, embraced that cross as had never done any criminal before Him.  He chose to take it up.  He did not require the soldiers to force Him to carry it, even in his extreme weakness, even though He had already lost so much blood He could easily have been near to death.

Do you think He thought of you in that moment?  Why did He take up the cross except for love of you so why should He not have thought of you?

Perhaps then by thinking of Him we too can take up our crosses and follow Him.  We can embrace the cross that is so often our own selves with all our flaws and failings.  There are few things more difficult to bear than our own inadequacies.  Perhaps it is no accident that we were created in such a way that we can extend our arms to form a cross.

Yes, you are your own cross.

Be patient with yourself, be willing to suffer, and with that cross that is yourself step out following Him.  Imagine Him turn as He carries His own cross and smile at you in gratitude.  Seeing you follow Him makes His journey that much more bearable.

My most beloved Jesus, I embrace all the tribulations Thou hast destined for me until death. I beseech Thee, by the merits of the pain Thou didst suffer in carrying Thy Cross, to give me the necessary help to carry mine with perfect patience and resignation. I love Thee, Jesus my love; I repent of having offended Thee. Never permit me to separate myself from Thee again. Grant that I may love Thee always; and then do with me what Thou wilt. (From the Stations of the Cross according to Saint Alphonsus Liguori.)

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