Thursday, March 2, 2017


I once played a character whose key phrase was "Moderation, moderation!" much to the annoyance of the other characters, and even myself on occasion—although not when I was fully in character.

That character comes to mind today because moderation has much to do with virtue and thus much to do with Lent.  After the fast of Ash Wednesday with which we begin this great season, I cannot help but reflect how much easier it often is to deny oneself entirely than to partake in moderation.

Lent comes around and my spirit rises up at the challenge of denying myself.  It is almost too easy.  (My Lord is too good to me, but He knows my weakness.)

The rest of the year, however, when self-denial is not required in so dramatic a form, the temptations of excess seem so much harder to resist.  Fasting or abstinence for a particular season, a particular intention, seem natural.  Paradoxically, moderation, which requires less self-denial, seems unnaturally impossible and requires ever so much more exertion of will.  Why should giving up less be so much more difficult?

Perhaps I am alone in this experience—although I doubt it.  Somehow once we have tasted of some pleasure, we can find much less reason to deny ourselves its enjoyment....

1 comment:

  1. Can't know sadness without joy; pain without pleasure...
