Friday, May 26, 2017

The Power from on High

Today begins the original novena—the nine days of prayer leading up to the great feast of Pentecost.  As I join with so many others in praying this novena, I pray for an increased outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all of you, upon all artists, upon the Church, and upon the whole world.

If you would like me to carry your intentions specifically, please send them to me.  I will lift them up to our Lord, carrying them in my heart during these days.

Please pray for me.


  1. Thanks so much for the offer to pray. I have an intention! Could you pray for my friend Lindsie? She is very isolated and alone right now (and far away from me) and has a debilitating physical illness.
    Thanks again. I will pray for you!

    1. Certainly! I shall carry Lindsie in my prayers during these days, asking the Lord's healing and strength upon her. Thank you for your prayers!
